Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Vietnamese Marinade

This recipe comes from my neighbor Kim who is from Vietnam. She always makes the most wonderful barbequed meats that smell amazing--and she always shares! This recipe is good with chicken drumsticks (skin removed), thighs (skin removed), short ribs & even ground turkey.

1 pound meat
4 T sugar
4 T soy sauce
1 T vegetable oil (this can be left out, but it does make a nice crunchy outside when you BBQ)
chopped fresh garlic and onion to taste (in other words add a few tablespoons and you'll be good)
fish sauce to taste (this can also be left out but it makes it extra "Asian" tasting and so yummy. You probably only need a teaspoon or two)

Marinate overnight then either BBQ or cook in the oven for most of the time and BBQ to finish it. If I use ground turkey then I mix half of the marinade with the turkey and smoosh it around some skewers. It's a bit pastey but I promise it BBQ's just fine! Enjoy!


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